Our Proude Student


エデン・マーテンス / キーラン・マーテンス

Eden Martens Wright / Kieran Martens

年齢:7歳(2019年10月現在) / 4歳(2019年10月現在)

在籍期間:2015年1月〜2017年6月 / 2016年4月〜2017年6月

YBSを選んだ理由What is the reason to choose YBS?

We were looking for a school that exposed our children to Japanese language and culture, and had a warm, fun, and loving environment. After researching a few of the local options, YBS was a perfect fit for our family.


YBSでの一番の思い出はなんですか?What is the best memory at YBS?

All of the wonderful activities the school organizes outside of class so the families can also learn about Japanese culture.


YBSのいいところはなんですか?What is the good point of YBS?

YBS teachers are absolutely wonderful - they make learning fun and create a supportive, loving environment for the children. Teachers impression: We adored all of the teachers and they cared for our children like family.


YBSで達成したことは?What is your child's achievement at YBS?

Our oldest learned some Japanese and left the school fully prepared to begin Kindergarten in the US. She was socially confident and was academically prepared to begin elementary school. Our youngest was very young when he attended - it was a loving environment and enabled him to get used to the structure of a school day. He benefited greatly from the socialization aspect.


YBSの卒業後は何をしていますか?Please share us what your child is doing after YBS, now?

Eden is in second grade and thriving! Our family will be moving to Italy for three years, and because of our experience at YBS, we will be sending her to an off-base school so she again has exposure to a different language and culture.


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