Our Proude Student



Oliver Scarborough



YBSを選んだ理由What is the reason to choose YBS?

Before Arriving in Japan, after extensive research, we knew that Oliver would benefit from attending pre-school. We decided to look into our options, and found YBS. One of the biggest draws for us, and one of our goals was for Oliver to experience Japan to the fullest. For us, that meant learning the language, and being an active participant in the culture.


YBSでの一番の思い出はなんですか?What is the best memory at YBS?

Our most favorite memories are the summer festivals held by the school. The kids made and carried their own Mikoshi. In addition, we made lifelong friendships. I consider some of the teachers at YBS to be our best friends. They supported us in so many when my husband wad deployed and also socially. YBS ins what made Japan so special.


YBSのいいところはなんですか?What is the good point of YBS?

YBS is in a great location, they offer many activities for the parents and students to be involved. This is especially important when you first arrive in Japan.


先生の印象Teacher's impression

The teachers at YBS are caring, they care for our children in way that we can only hope a pre-school would. They really go above and beyond. I've noticed that teachers in other schools tend to not be as compassionate as YBS teachers.


YBSで達成したことは?What is your child's achievement at YBS?

Oliver was lucky enough to attendYBS for 4 years. In that time he's become bilingual in Japanese and English. This has set him apart from other students in his current school here in Gibraltar. He is ahead in reading, writing, and math. Most students enter school without these skills, but YBS teachers students at quite a young age.


YBSの卒業後は何をしていますか?Please share us what your child is doing after YBS, now?

Oliver attend Loreto Convent school here in Gibraltar. He is really enjoying it. Oliver is doing extremely well. His reading and writing skills are advanced, and I've been told that at school he is beri polite.

オリバーはLoreto Conventという学校に通っています。とても楽しんでいます。オリバーはとても優秀で読み、書きはアドバンスです。彼は学校でとても礼儀正しいと言われています。

他の言語や文化に触れることは子どもにとってどんな影響があると思いますか?What do you think impact on your child to be exposed to the different culture and language?

I think Olivers exposure to Japanese and Japanese culture has made him more open minded. He is aware that other kinds of people exist in the world. Living in Japan has also exposed him to a wide variety of foods and flavors that he may not have experienced otherwise.


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バイリンガルスクールに入学させるのんは、どの親でも悩むことがあると思います。母国語は大丈夫化?日本語が母国語や発達を阻害するのではないか? 答えは、NOです。YBSの卒業生は、卒業後も学校で優秀でAdvance(進んで)いて学問的にもいろんな科目で高いレベルを維持しています。それに加えて、先生やニチベイの混ざった子どもたちがいる環境はプリスクールに期待する以上のものがあると私は感じています。

バイリンガルスクールに入学させるのんは、どの親でも悩むことがあると思います。母国語は大丈夫化?日本語が母国語や発達を阻害するのではないか? 答えは、NOです。YBSの卒業生は、卒業後も学校で優秀でAdvance(進んで)いて学問的にもいろんな科目で高いレベルを維持しています。それに加えて、先生やニチベイの混ざった子どもたちがいる環境はプリスクールに期待する以上のものがあると私は感じています。